In practice since 1989, Dr. Eskin utilizes a psychoanalytic technique to help identify and treat emotional suffering. Often one may be aware of the reasons for their problems but may also find that there are underlying causes are out of their awareness. On a collaborative journey with her patient, Dr. Eskin aims to create an environment so one’s authentic self can unfold. To be helpful, Dr. Eskin thinks that analysts/therapists must listen with their ears, eyes, heart and mind.
Empathic listening and remaining objective are very important. She believes the role of the therapist is not to tell you what to do, or let the focus shift away from your life and problems. Taking the time and effort to examine one’s internal life is a gift to both patient and therapist. It reinforces for both that by acknowledging the past, facing disillusionment and disappointments can help you embrace the future.
Getting in touch with and working through anger and grievances can help one mourn and reconcile the past. This may open up space for creativity in the present and future. The birth of a space for new ideas improves relationships, and helps one let go of those that are not healthy and make different choices. This has been proven to be transformative.